Comprehensive Skin Checks-Dermoscopy
At Molesafe we offer a full and comprehensive skin check for all our patients .The skin cancer check takes approximately 15 minutes. The doctor will examine your head, face, neck torso, legs, feet, toes, arms, hands, and fingers. You will be required to undress to your underwear and a blanket can be provided for your comfort. Genital areas are not routinely examined; however, skin cancers can develop in any area of the body and you should inform the doctor about any suspicious spots under your underwear. The doctor will only check these areas if you request them to do so. Your skin will be examined with a dermatoscope, which is a special skin microscope, which allows the doctor to see beneath the skin to make a decision regarding a suspicious skin lesion or mole. The examination is completely painless. If the doctor finds a suspicious spot, they might take a photograph to be recorded and analysed, and they might take a biopsy which is a sample of the skin.

At MoleSafe we offer a full and comprehensive skin check aided by the use of dermoscopy . Dermoscopy refers to the examination of the skin using skin surface microscopy and requires specialised and comprehensive training to master its interpretation .It is conducted using a handheld microscope and allows the examining doctor to see pigmentation under the surface of the skin.This helps us to differentiate between benign ( harmless) and malignant ( cancerous) lesions.
Examples of Skin Lesions
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Dermoscopic examination reveals a benign ( harmless) pattern consistent with dermatofibroma
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Dermoscopic pattern reveals typical appearances for benign ( harmless) seborrheic keratoses